Gunjiin sum “Temple of the princess”
Gunjiin Sum “Temple of the princess” is located in the area of the Terelj National Park. It is 37 km in the east from the center of the Terelj passing Baruunbayan steppe area. There is a history of the establishment of the temple. In 1969, Manchurian princess came to Khalkh area becoming queen for Dondovdorj, Mongolian high-born man.
That time Manchurian king used to give gift to Mongolian high –born men sending princesses. The man who got married with the Manchurian princess used to be called Efu. The Manchurian princess who got married to the Mongolian man had functions of spying reporting everything happened in the palace. However, the Manchurian princess who got married to Mr. Dovdondorj (Efu) had never report anything to Manchurian king. She loved her husband and was loyal to him.
She asked when she died “I got married to Mongolian man and I had already been a Mongolian so I had desire to stay under Mongolian ground”. It was 1740. As the princess requested she was buried in Baruunbayan, the place where she pointed. Efu Dondovdorj built a temple in 1740 to commemorate the death of his Manchurian queen. It is called now Gunjiin Sum.